Bankroll Management is vital in Sports Betting

Written By @Hookslide23 My NFL picks for last week took another beating with favorites winning overall … again.  I’m in the middle of what is known as a “bad run,” or a “downswing,” or — to use the completely technical term — a “major alcoholic bender.”  It’s ok, it’s all part of the game, and […]

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House of Losers – Episode 4: Overtime Loss Leads to Tow Truck

By Casey Brannigan “That was a Really Expensive Sack” Rivoli’s Chill and Grill Sports Bar has provided us with a degenerate weigh station and The Water of Life, a.k.a. Beer, since we were old enough to get in.  Like last week, we found ourselves there for another Thursday night thriller on Halloween between Cincinnati and […]

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Open Letter to Aspiring Handicappers

For the aspiring handicapper in all of us remember what Fast Eddie Falson (Paul Newman) said in The Color of Money; “Money won is twice as sweet as money earned.”  There’s one small thing Fast Eddie left out of that quote: nobody is winning money in this business regularly that’s not willing to go out […]

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10 Signs You are a Sports Bettor

Sports betting isn’t just a hobby for a lot of us; it’s a lifestyle choice.  Naturally there are bettors that approach gambling with different levels of skill and commitment much like golf.  The dude spending 4 nights a week at the range taking lessons probably has a better handicap than the family man playing once […]

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